Have you heard about the School Based Health Center (SBHC)?

Cost Community Health Center’s SBHC’s are currently offering behavioral health services at both our Brookings and Gold Beach locations as well as appointment availability for vaccines and contraceptive care at our Brookings location.

Our Providers are specifically trained to work with children and teens and are available to help you with whatever you need.

We are proud to provide services at our local schools and will continue serving the healthcare needs of the southern Oregon coast!

Brookings-Harbor SBHC 

Brookings-Harbor High School

625 Pioneer Road Brookings, OR 97415


We offer appointments for vaccines as well as contraceptive care.

*Health services can be limited during certain hours.

Behavioral Health

Monday and Wednesday

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

By appointment only.

Gold Beach SBHC

Gold Beach Jr./Sr. High School

29516 Ellensburg Ave.

Gold Beach, Oregon 97444

Behavioral Health

Tuesday and Thursday

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

By appointment only.

Call us at (541) 332-1114
Appointments are scheduled through our Port Orford Clinic.

Tell them you are calling for the School Based Health Center and they will schedule your appointment at the appropriate SBHC location.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can access our health information?

SBHC staff cannot share student health information with school staff without specific permission. We can ask for permission and get written consent to share information if appropriate. This can be helpful in making sure all the students’ needs are being met, through many different supports.

School district employees, including school nurses, cannot share student’s information with anyone outside of the school district (under most circumstances), unless they have specific permission either. Schools may ask parents/guardians for permission so the SBHC can help student’s health and school needs as a team with the school and families.

Is signing up for the School Based Health Center required?

Giving permission and signing up for the School-Based Health Center is not required but is a recommended service provided by Coast Community Health Center for students, staff, and families of the School District. The goal is to shorten time away from school and lower absences for students, staff, and parents. We encourage you to use the benefits of school-based care. Services are voluntary and available to School District Students. Certain SBHC locations may also provide services to school district staff, families, and/or members of the community. 

Bandon Clinic

Bandon Clinic:
1010 First Street SE Suite 110
Bandon, Oregon 97411

Clinic Hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm

Bandon Clinic Phone: 541-347-2529

Bandon Pharmacy Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Bandon Pharmacy: 541-347-2724

Fax: 541-347-9196
TTY dial: 711
Emergency dial: 911
More Contact Options

Port Orford Clinic

* Services temporarily routed to Bandon Clinic *

Port Orford Pharmacy Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Port Orford Pharmacy: 541-366-5094
eFax: 541-366-5095

Outreach and Enrollment – Brookings

648 Chetco Ave
Brookings, OR 97415

Outreach Appointments:
Office (541) 347-2529 Ext 142